CIMRO DAY #2 – Mechanics and Mechanisms in Music


You can listen to the lectures here (Romanian speakers only):

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Free Music – Embed Audio Files – Bianca Temes – Ligeti and th…Music File Hosting – Download Audio – Vlad Vaidean – Gradual Proce…



Bucharest | A1 (No. 1, Piata Amzei)


#2 | Sunday, July 6, 7 p.m. – 9 p.m.

“Variations on a Given Theme”


Musicology Symposium


Ştefan Firca: “Between Pistons and Wheels: Imaginings of the Mechanistic Metaphor in Music” / “Între pistoane şi roţi: câteva imaginări ale metaforei mecaniciste în muzică”

Irina Niţu: ” Ştefan Niculescu and the ‘Celestial Mechanics'” / “Ştefan Niculescu şi ‘mecanicile cereşti’”

Bianca Ţiplea-Temeş: “Disrupting the Gears: Ligeti’s Demoniac Clocks” / “Dereglând angrenaje: Ligeti şi ceasurile demoniace”

Vlad Văidean: “Gradual Process and Recombinant Teleology in the Early Minimalism of Steve Reich” / “Proces gradual și teleologie recombinantă în minimalismul timpuriu al lui Steve Reich”


[View more photos HERE, on our Facebook page.]

The second event in CIMRO DAYS is a different kind of symposium: four young musicologists will give four different and exciting views on the same subject, “Mechanics and Mechanisms in Music”. You’ll find out what subtle connections are there between wheels, pistons, clocks, as well as between musical predictability versus musical unforseeableness, by listening to Ştefan Firca, Irina Niţu, Vlad Văidean (Bucharest) and Bianca Ţiplea-Temeş (Cluj). The symposium is powered by and is part of the “Variations on a Given Theme” series, one of the very few commission projects for young musicians in Romania – sustained by the Administration of the National Cultural Fund / Administraţia Fondului Cultural Naţional.

Free entrance.