
Founded in Bucharest in December 1982, following Sorin Lerescu’s initiative, the Group of New Music TRAIECT has had since its start as guiding light the promoting of contemporary works, particularly Romanian ones. TRAIECT has become, in its more than 30 years lifetime of concerts, both home and abroad, an ensemble dedicated to the most recent composing experiences yet, as well, a true school for the formation of new music interpreters. Numerous works have been written as a result of TRAIECT’s commissioning them, others have been dedicated to the ensemble by composers from various countries.The premiere/first audition was a constant of TRAIECT’s concerts, a trademark just like the idea of drawing towards the values of contemporary music more and more people from the general public.TRAIECT has, following this course, promoted the concept of ‘contemporary music show’, joining to it various ways of visualizing music: dancing, computer and graphic imagery, light works, poetry, all in an all-comprising, unifying vision on the meanings and purposes of art in today’s world.

Official website, HERE.