Remus Georgescu

Remus Georgescu was born in Timisoara, in 1932. He accomplished his music  studies at the „Ciprian Porumbescu” Conservatory in Bucharest – Faculty of Composition and Orchestra Conducting and was the disciple of the great masters: Ioan D. Chirescu (Music Theory), Marţian Negrea (Harmony), Nicolae Buicliu (Counterpoint), Teodor Rogalski (Orchestration), Constantin Silvestri (Conducting) and George Georgescu (Orchestra). He also studied in USA (1968 – 1969), where he met and visited the famous Romanian conductor and composer Ionel Perlea.

Remus Georgescu began his activity as a scientific researcher at the Ethnomusicology and Folklore Institute in Bucharest, and then as a conductor at the Music Theatre in Constanta and at the Sibiu, Oradea and Târgu Mureş Philharmonics. He became conductor of the “Banatul” Philharmonic in Timisoara in 1968, while also being, for several years, the artistic manager of the institution.

As a conductor, he had concerts almost all around the world and realized numerous recordings of outstanding virtuosity; as a composer, he distinguished himself through various  vocal-symphonic, symphonic or cameral works. He gave concerts in Austria, England, Belgium, The Czech Republic, Denmark, France, Germany, Greece, Italy, Yugoslavia, Norway, Poland, Holland, Spain, USA, Singapore, Sweden, Russia, Hungary, Venezuela etc., and has always been  both critically acclaimed in the media, and admired by the audience.

His repertoire is extremely rich, including works of most various ages and styles, from the pre-classic period to the latest creations of our century. Worldwide famous soloists performed under his baton: Emil Ghilels, Dimitri Başkirov, Daniil Şafran, Annie Fischer, Igor Oistrah, Viktor Tretiakov, Jean Pierre Rampal, Ivry Gitlis, Lola Bobescu, Dan Grigore, Valentin Gheorghiu, Ion Voicu, Silvia Marcovici. Numerous Romanian composers have dedicated to Remus Georgescu some compositions that later entered the music circuit, in Romania and abroad.

His creations conquered their stable place in the repertoires of many Romanian orchestras, sometimes being included in programs of prestigious European orchestras and America, as well as in the repertoires of renowned interpreters. Along his career, Remus Georgescu received many awards. The Concert for Orchestra, the Symphonic Oratory „Cântare străbunilor” (“Hymn to the Ancestors”) – the Award of the Union of Composers (1976 – 1977), „Exorcisme” (“Exorcisms”) for Flute and Orchestra, the Oratory „Ecouri” (“Echoes”) awarded by the Romanian Academy with the “George Enescu” Prize for Composition (1983), the Oratory „De profundis” (1994) and also various other works, which deserve their fame in the Romanian cultural patrimony. The music critique repeatedly underlined the exceptional value of his compositions. As a conductor, Remus Georgescu realized many recordings for radio, TV and record labels in Romania and worldwide.

Other awards: The Music Critics’ Award, The Award for Opera Omnia. In 2008 he became „Citizen of Honour“ of Timişoara, and in 2012, The Great Award of the Union of Composers and Musicologists of Romania (UCMR) for 2011.

MUSIC on internet: Exorcisms, Autumn Twilight